Literary Press Group of Canada

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Become a member

Thank you for your interest in LPG membership. Member benefits include access to collective sales representation and distribution, advertising opportunities at subsidized rates, participation in digital and event marketing initiatives, professional development, and networking. (See the Core Programs and Services page for more detail.)

We welcome applications and expressions of interest from Canadian-owned publishers who are aligned with our mandate. Please note that our by-laws require all members to meet the criteria set out below. If you plan to apply and/or have questions about eligibility, please contact the Executive Director.

Membership Criteria

There shall be one class of membership of the Corporation. Membership in the Corporation, which carries the right to vote at meetings of the Corporation, shall be open to any corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship which:

(a) publishes original Canadian books as a primary not an occasional or peripheral part of its business function, 50% of which are deemed to be “literary,” i.e. the content of which falls into one or more of the following categories: poetry, fiction, drama, literary criticism, belles lettres or creative nonfiction;

(b) has its chief office in Canada;

(c) is at least 80% beneficially owned by persons who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada; or

by institutions or associations chartered in Canada which are at least 80% controlled by persons who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada; or by a combination of the two;

(d) is effectively controlled as to its managerial, editorial and financial decisions by persons who are resident in Canada, and are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada;

(e) has been recommended for membership in the Corporation by at least two members in good standing in the Corporation;

(f) has not published fewer than five original Canadian titles and has an ongoing program of at least two original Canadian titles per year, no more than 25% of which are authored by principals, directors or employees of the applicant firm;

(g) subscribes to and is willing to work on behalf of the objectives of the Corporation as set forth in the articles;

(h) has been in operation for at least two years from the date of publication of its first title.

Discretion as to Membership Status in Special Cases

The Board may, in its discretion, waive membership criteria in certain special cases as it deems appropriate. Subject to the Act, the decision of the Board in any such case shall be final and binding.

* * *

If your organization meets these criteria and would like to apply, please browse our application form below and contact our Executive Director for more details and fees.

Member Application_2024_fillable.pdf

Contact Us

The Literary Press Group of Canada
234 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 502
Toronto, ON M4P 1K5

Tel: +1 416-483-1321
Fax: +1 416-483-2510

LPG acknowledges we are hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat. We also recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and the Inuit people, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to meet and work on this territory.

With appreciation to our funders:

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