Literary Press Group of Canada

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FRequently Asked Questions

Review the following queries to find your answer. If you have any other queries, contact the Literary Press Group of Canada staff.

General | Booksellers, Academics, Librarians | Media | Book Lovers


Who is the Literary Press Group of Canada?

Please refer back to our About page.

Who does the Literary Press Group of Canada represent?

View a complete list of our members here.

Where is the Literary Press Group of Canada located?

The Literary Press Group has members located all across Canada, and our headquarters is based in Toronto, Ontario. Our office information is located on our contact page.

How do I become a member of the Literary Press Group of Canada?

Learn more about eligibility requirements and how to join the LPG on our Becoming a Member page.

Can I get my book published by the LPG?

The Literary Press Group of Canada does not publish books or accept unpublished manuscripts. To find a publisher, please view our list of Member Publishers for links to their sites and submission guidelines.

Booksellers, Academics, Libraries

I want to order books for my store. How can I place an order, check the order status, or request publisher catalogues?

Please contact the sales representatives for the particular publisher you wish to order books from. If you are unsure of who reps a particular publisher in the trade, please view our list of Member Publishers to see who represents them in the trade.

I am a teacher / professor / librarian and would like to get a desk / examination copy of one of your titles.

Please contact the individual publisher for desk and examination copy requests. You can find them among our list of Member Publishers.


I am a journalist and would like to get a review copy of one of your titles.

Please contact the individual publisher for a review copy. You can find them among our list of Member Publishers.

Book Lovers

I am a fan of your authors and books. How do I learn more? is the best place to find information about all of our books in one place. Most of our members' books are available for sale through the site (in both print and ebook formats) plus we blog about the books five days a week.

Contact Us

The Literary Press Group of Canada
234 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 502
Toronto, ON M4P 1K5

Tel: +1 416-483-1321
Fax: +1 416-483-2510

LPG acknowledges we are hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee, and the Wendat. We also recognize the enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis and the Inuit people, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to meet and work on this territory.

With appreciation to our funders:

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